Origami Crab Step by Step — the Easy Way

Origami Crab

Origami crab step by step. Folding a fun crab is quick, fun and easy. Prepare a square of paper and any kind of eye.


  • Red paper
  • Eyes

Origami Crab Step by Step

Cut a square of paper or take a ready-made origami format.

Now we need to outline 3 intersecting lines. To do this, fold the paper into a triangle. Then again lay in a triangle, but connect the other two corners.

The next step is to close the sides.

Intersecting lines are marked.

The horizontal fold is needed in order to make it easier to fold the side of the paper into the middle. Point the middle inward.

Pin the top and bottom sides together. The result is the basic form of origami “double triangle”.

On the top layer of the triangle, fold the corners up and in.

Make a small crease at the bottom.

Fold the right corner down to form paper crab claws.

Then point the left corner down.

Origami Crab

Bend a small corner at the top.

Origami Crab

Flip to the other side, add eyes of any kind or draw them with a felt-tip pen. Origami crab is ready.

Origami Crab

Origami Crab

Origami Crab

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