Paper Bee — Easy Cone Craft

Paper Bee

A bright and funny paper bee is a very simple craft made from a cone and small details in the form of wings, a head and antennae. This is a great spring craft that kids will love.

Materials used:

  • Yellow cardboard (you can take paper for the body);
  • Black paper;
  • Double-sided paper in blue for the wings (white is also suitable);
  • Compasses, scissors, black felt-tip pen, glue stick.

Paper bee step by step

We Make a Body

The bee’s body is a paper cone. To make it, draw a circle with a compass, divide it into 4 parts and take one of the parts. As an economical option, so as not to cut out a whole circle, if only one child makes the craft, you can simply circle any corner of colored paper with a compass.

Wrap the segment and make a cone out of it, fix the edge with glue.

Paper Bee

Complementing the Bee Details

Prepare the following paper parts for the bee. Although there are many, they are very simple.

  1. From blue or white paper, cut out semicircular or even round wings;
  2. You will also need the head of a bee, which must be cut out of yellow cardboard. This is a simple circle of suitable size for a cone;
  3. The bee is defined by black stripes on its body, cut out two semicircular stripes. It is possible and straight, but they may not fit well to the cone;
  4. The bee also needs antennae, so cut off two thin black strips;
  5. Make eyes out of white paper. Draw the pupils with a felt-tip pen;
  6. Optional details – paws and bangs.

Final Stage of Creating a Paper Bee

Glue two black stripes to the cone, a head with pre-glued eyes, bangs, mustaches and a painted smile. Finish the craft with wings glued to the back of the cone body and paws.

Paper Bee

Many other Insects Crafts for kids.

Crafts for Kids – learn how to make craft at home! Super cute crafts for all age groups!

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