Paper Roll Dragon Craft: Dragon Pencil Holder

Paper Roll Dragon

Dragon consists of 4 toilet paper rolls. It is a compact pencil holder, a fun and practical item and craft for kids.

What will be needed from the materials?

  • 4 toilet paper rolls;
  • Green cardboard and green paper;
  • Some red paper and white with black for the eyes;
  • Black marker, scissors, glue.

Paper Roll Dragon Craft: Step by Step

Prepare 4 bushings.

Cut out 4 rectangles for them. As a rule, the average size is 16×9 cm. But there may be slight fluctuations to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, it is advisable to measure your own bushings.

Cover all four bushings with green paper. Alternatively, they can be painted over with green paint.

Glue all bushings together.

Prepare the first part of additional dragon parts from the sleeve:

  • Cut out a muzzle from green cardboard;
  • Tail, wide on one side and gradually tapering towards the end;
  • Long neck. By the way, the neck can be immediately drawn together with the head and cut out;
  • Prepare paper eyes.

Shape the head by gluing the eyes and drawing the nostrils with a smile, glue the head to the neck, and then glue it all together in the area between the two bushings. Glue the tail between the back pair of bushings.

Paper Roll Dragon

Draw and cut out the second part of the dragon details:

  • Paws;
  • Two wings.

It is worth noting here that the dragon can be designed in the same way on both sides, or only on one, the future front. That is, either prepare two eyes, 4 paws, or do it for only one side.
Glue the paws, draw lines on the wings and also glue them on the sides of the bushings.

Paper Roll Dragon
Cut out thorns and a heart from red paper.

From green cardboard – a stand under the lower part of the bushings so that the placed office does not fall out when moving.

Glue spikes along the head, neck and tail, glue a heart on the tip of the tail.

Paper Roll Dragon
The paper roll dragon is ready. Pens, pencils and other stationery can be placed in the cavity of the cylinders.

See also: Toilet Paper Roll Caterpillar Pencil Holder

See more ideas about Toilet Paper Roll Crafts.

Many other ideas in the collection of Paper Animals Craft.

Crafts for Kids – learn how to make craft at home! Super cute crafts for all age groups!

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