Quilling Fish (angelfish) Step by Step

Quilling Fish

This review presents quilling fish, which is made of paper strips in two colors. There are a lot of options for fish, this time it is a angelfish.

To create such a fish, we need:

  • paper strips of yellow and black;
  • white glue;
  • sample;
  • twisting tool;
  • scissors;
  • decorative eye.

Quilling Fish: Stages of Creative Activity

We will start making a fish from its head. To do this, twist the yellow strip into a circle with a diameter of 15 mm.

We take out the circle, and glue the tip.

Then we give the following form.

Next, take 2 black stripes and glue them together. Then we twist them, forming a workpiece with a diameter of 20 mm.

It needs to be removed from the template and fixed with glue.

Let’s give it the following shape.

We glue the black blank to the previously made yellow one.

Quilling Fish

For the next blank, we need to glue 3 yellow stripes. First, we twist them into a workpiece with a diameter of 25 mm.

Then we give the desired shape.

Glue this yellow blank to the fish.

Quilling Fish

The final element will be a blank of two black stripes, made from a circle with a diameter of 20 mm.

We add it to our fish.

Quilling Fish

Now all these elements need to be pasted over with a yellow paper strip, while forming fins.

Quilling Fish

For the tail of the fish, we will prepare a pair of yellow and black elements (initially, for them we twisted blanks with a diameter of 12 and 15 mm).

We glue them together. Then glue the tail fin to the fish.

Quilling Fish

It remains to add an eye. It turned out such a quilling fish, similar to a angelfish.

Quilling Fish

See more ideas about Easy Paper Quilling.

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