Crafts for kids can and even should be fun, this helps to increase the interest of children and the desire to make a funny character with their own hands. Owl craft with paper strips – just belongs to these types of creativity, it is easy and fun to make it.
Mouse of Paper Strips
Despite the fact that there are already plenty of mice on the site, we offer you another simple craft – a mouse made of paper strips.
Paper Panda: Crafts for Kids of Paper Strips
The paper panda consists of a round head and a voluminous body made of thin paper strips. There are lots of characters made with the use of this technique on the website; some of them can be found in the Crafts of Paper Strips review.
Pig Craft of Paper Stripes
I wanted to make this amusing pig pink but since the symbol of the coming year is the yellow ground pig, I decided to choose yellow construction paper. For a change, why not making a yellow pig – indeed, all the pigs on the site are pink.
A DIY Reindeer from Strips of Paper
A reindeer made from strips of paper is simple Christmas craft which would be quite interesting and useful for children.