Volumetric Paper Umbrella

Volumetric paper umbrella

A beautiful and bight volumetric paper umbrella can be used both as an interior decoration and an amusing craft, which every child will like. Most significantly, this multicolor item is extremely easy to make.

You will need:

  • Colored paper of all kinds of shades;
  • A cocktail straw;
  • A double-sided adhesive tape;
  • A writing pencil, compasses, scissors, a glue stick.

If you need a small umbrella, you can save on colored paper and use its multicolored bits and pieces.

Volumetric paper umbrella

How to Make a Volumetric Paper Umbrella?

To make this craft, you will need colored paper circles. Here, I have 20 circles but 15 are quite enough, especially if your umbrella is going to be small. To make a large one, you can cut out 20 circles; thus, it will be in all its beauty.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Fold a circle exactly in half.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Then, repeat it once again to get a circle quarter.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Make such quarters of all the colored paper circles.

Volumetric paper umbrella

To prevent the parts from opening later, it’s necessary to fix them with glue. Open up a quarter and apply just a little glue on its upper part. You shouldn’t use the whole half.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Glue the sides together. Now, they will be fixed at the upper part only, which won’t prevent the bottom part from opening up properly.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Glue all the quarters.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Then, you need to glue together all of them. However, this should be done not on a catch-as-catch-can basis but in a certain manner. Put two quarters forked sides down as the photo shows. This is the right position they should be glued together in – a forked side to a forked side, a right angle to a right angle.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Glue should also be applied between these two quarters.

Volumetric paper umbrella

But here, you shouldn’t fix the whole side either. It’s enough to glue together the upper side in order to enable the bottom one to open up. The photo shows a quarter divided in two parts; however, this division is made solely for our purpose to demonstrate where glue should be applied. As you can see, only the upper part of the quarter is used.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Glue the two parts together.

Volumetric paper umbrella

And then, follow with all the rest. You can stack them up and press firmly, in order to fix the glued parts thoroughly.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Volumetric paper umbrella

After that, close the circle by gluing the sides of the first and the last quarters together. Prepare a cocktail straw. Bend its edge near the connection bellows and test fit it to your umbrella. Short-cut the straw if necessary.

Volumetric paper umbrella

Stick double-sided adhesive tape to the straw, remove the film and quickly insert it in the umbrella hole. You can use a glue gun with superglue instead of adhesive tape. PVA glue and a glue stick interact poorly with plastic material. It may be a problem of the cocktail straw not sticking at all.

Volumetric paper umbrella

That’s the volumetric paper umbrella we’ve made. Very bright and positive.

Volumetric paper umbrella

This very technique is used for making a paper doll, or rather its skirt.

Crafts for Kids – learn how to make craft at home! Super cute crafts for all age groups!

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