In this tutorial we will show how beautiful clay and cotton pads Christmas tree craft. Additionally used pieces of clay are craft decorations.
To make such a Christmas tree we will use:
- a sheet of colored cardboard;
- cotton pads;
- glue stick;
- a set of clay.
Clay and Cotton Pads Christmas Tree Craft Step by Step
We will make the craft from individual elements made from cotton pads. To do this, take one cotton pad and bend its edges as follows, after which we secure it with glue.
In total, our Christmas tree will require 15 such blanks. Let’s start forming the snow-covered tree from the bottom row. Here we glue 5 elements, arranging them as follows.
Above we add a row consisting of 4 cotton blanks.
The next row is formed from three modules.
And we finish creating the Christmas tree by gluing the remaining blanks made from cotton pads.
And we will decorate it with Christmas tree toys made of clay. To do this, first roll balls of different colors, maybe of different sizes.
To make Christmas decorations out of them, just carefully flatten each clay ball, giving it the shape of a circle. We attach them to our craft. This is the clay and cotton pads Christmas tree craft.
If desired, you can decorate it in any way. For example, take multi-colored rhinestones and attach them. Simple lumps of colored paper, pompoms and decorative buttons are also suitable as decorations.
Even more ideas in the selection — Handmade Christmas Crafts.