Don’t know what to do with kids? To your attention, a paper circles caterpillar is a light, bright craft for children from 3 years old.
- Colored paper (yellow, green, pink);
- Sticky or paper eyes;
- Black felt-tip pen, scissors, glue, compasses.
A good help would be a curly hole punch with a large diameter.
Paper Circles Caterpillar Step by Step
Prepare 5 circles of the same size. The colors here alternate, but you can take one color or other colors.
Fold the four circles in half. The fifth one does not need to be folded, it will be the head of the caterpillar.
At this stage, you can already shape the head:
- Cut and glue thin antennae, slightly twisting their tips;
- Add sticky eyes, or simply draw with a felt-tip pen;
- Glue a round pink nose;
- Draw a smile.
The head of the insect is ready.
Now let’s move on to the body. All circles folded in half must be glued in a row, layering them on top of each other. If the colors are different, then do not forget to alternate the shades.
Glue the head to the long body and you are done.
This is how we got a paper circles caterpillar, which looks beautiful on a sunny summer meadow.
Even more ideas in the selection are insects crafts. And you can also find inspiration in the review – crafts from paper circles.