A tree clay for kids step by step – a tree made of clay, in this case an apple tree. A feature of the creation of this picture will be its manufacture from small clay balls.
To create such a fruit tree, we will prepare:
- colored clay;
- blue cardboard;
- plastic stack.
Clay Tree Step by Step Instructions
Let’s start making green clay crafts. From it we pinch off small pieces and roll into balls.
We need to prepare a large number of such blanks.
From them we will make the basis of our apple tree. We begin to lay out these balls on blue cardboard and lightly press them down.
In this way, we outline the contour of the tree crown.
Now we completely fill it with green clay balls, while not forgetting to press them down. When forming the crown, there should be no free space left. We got such a basis for an apple tree.
Next, use brown clay. From it we roll several thin long flagella. We need them to create a tree trunk.
We lay out these clay brown flagella from the bottom of the craft, laying them out so that the lower part of the trunk is wider than the upper one.
Now we will make fruits for our apple tree. Cooking balls of red and yellow.
They need to be mixed together to get such a workpiece. From it we will continue to sculpt ripe apples.
To create fruits, simply pinch off the balls from this blank, apply them to the crown of the tree and gently flatten. Our fruit tree will be densely hung with ripe apples.
It remains to make grass at the bottom of the craft. To do this, we roll up thin flagella from green clay and fix them under a tree. The clay tree is ready.
See more ideas about Clay Crafts.
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