A variety of clay crafts for kids. Step-by-step review of modeling with visual photos. Clay animals, birds, plants, objects.
Soft, pliable, multi-colored clay is a favorite material for many kids to realize their fantasies. From it you can fashion not only individual characters, but also a whole plot, for example, fairy tales, a panorama, a picture.
Here is a TOP of clay crafts, with links to detailed tutorial located on the site tratatuha.com. The collection at the beginning of its development will be filled with new, interesting, step-by-step ideas.
Clay Crafts Step by Step Modeling for Kids
Clay Frog
In today’s tutorial, we have not just a frog, but the heroine of a famous fairy tale – a clay frog princess. Adhering to step-by-step photos, you can repeat this craft.
Clay Horse
Modeling tutorial – a brown horse made of clay. The basic forms are not complicated at all, small details can cause some difficulties.
Clay Penguin
Interested in a clay penguin? Then you have come to the right place. A step-by-step overview of the modeling process will help you mold this interesting bird. Clay modeling can be a very simple and fun activity. Especially if you have clear instructions at hand that allow you to create the desired craft. This instruction in this case is our tutorial.
Clay Peacock
These expressive birds are easily recognizable due to their bushy tail. Of course, we are talking about peacocks and the theme of this tutorial is a clay peacock.
Clay Crow
We offer a simple modeling lesson, the theme of which is a clay crow. The proposed tutorial shows simple steps for creating this clay bird.
Clay Bee
This tutorial presents a bright insect — a clay bee. The creation of such crafts is available to many kids who have mastered the initial skills of working with clay.
Clay Scooter
Boys will be more interested in this craft. After all, in this tutorial we are blinding a clay scooter.
Clay Bicycle
Step-by-step lesson on the topic — a clay bicycle. A simple method for children with step-by-step photographs and detailed instructions.
Clay Bull
A simple bull made of clay for kids. A step-by-step tutorial on the theme of clay animals.
Clay Tractor
You can interest a child in creativity if he is interested in the subject of crafts. Boys will like this tutorial, because we will sculpt a tractor from clay.
Clay Crafts — Bunny
A simple clay bunny for kids. A step-by-step review with detailed photos that will help you blind a hare without much difficulty.
Clay Fox
The sly fox is a character in many fairy tales. But everywhere she, as a rule, turns out to be not at all the most intelligent and resourceful. A clay fox can become the heroine of your personal fairy tale. Try to mold it according to the proposed tutorial.
Clay Monkey
These animals are believed to be the predecessors of humans. We will not argue with this theory, but simply offer a modeling lesson on the topic — a clay monkey.
Clay Deer
A simple animal craft is a clay deer, and even with a gift. Step by step instructions with photos.
Clay Sheep
Clay sheep step by step. An interesting version of modeling a sheep from black and white clay. A simple craft for children’s creativity.
Clay Hedgehog
Our today’s tutorial is a clay hedgehog. Before class, you can discuss and try with your child options for mixing different colors of clay. This may be required in the manufacture of this craft.
Clay Dog
In this tutorial, a clay dog is presented. The whole process of creating such a clay craft is shown in step-by-step photographs.
Clay Rat
This tutorial is a clay rat. A simple craft for children’s creativity step by step.
Clay Mouses on Cheese
Easy modeling of mouses and cheese. Simple creative activity for kids step by step.
Clay Crafts for Kids — Clay Octopus
Step by step for kids — clay octopus. Simple, interesting, ideal for children’s creativity. Of all the marine life, many children distinguish the octopus, which has an unusual shape. It is also easy to distinguish by the number of limbs. We propose in this master class to mold this inhabitant of the sea from clay.
Clay Donkey
Bright clay donkey step by step. He is in many ways similar to the character of the famous cartoon.
Clay Panda
Clay panda for kids. Step-by-step modeling of an animal, instruction in simple modeling for kids. This animal is also often called the bamboo bear. The characteristic coloring of the panda allows us to recreate it with the help of modeling. This is exactly what we will do in today’s tutorial.
Clay Bear
Clay bear for kids. An easy way to sculpt a bear is shown in detailed photos step by step. Light clay craft.
Clay Lobster
Bright clay lobster in a step-by-step review with a photo. You can introduce your child to lobsters during the creative process. For example, when creating a clay lobster, you can talk about the structure and features of this creature. All the details on making such a clay craft are shown in this tutorial.
Clay Bullfinch
This clay bullfinch is a great option for creative activities for kids on the eve of winter and throughout this cold season.
Clay Cat
Modeling animals out of clay can be a fun activity. Our step-by-step tutorial is a red cat made of clay.
Clay Walrus
Clay walrus for kids. Simple animal modeling with step by step photos. You will need clay, a stack and a mat for work. In this tutorial, we propose to mold the only representative of the walrus family. These animals live in the northern hemisphere. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about walruses. We will make it from clay.
Clay Dolphin
Clay dolphin for kids. A wonderful character that a child can make with his own hands, and then play with him, give to loved ones. These cute mammals are distinguished by a good attitude towards people. Dolphins live in families and often help their sick relatives. Perhaps this instinct kicks in when they see a drowning person. This tutorial shows the process of creating a dolphin, a wonderful representative of the aquatic world that kids can make.
Clay Turtle
Clay turtle for children’s creativity. Step by step molding. At the beginning of the lesson, you can talk with your child about the varieties of turtles. Pay attention to the fact that these animals can live both in water and on land.
Clay Crafts for Kids — Clay Fish
Working with clay develops fine motor skills well. Therefore, try to regularly carry out such tasks with your child. Today we have a bright clay fish, we suggest using this tutorial.
Clay Lion
Cute clay lion. A detailed description of the modeling steps with a photo. A simple clay craft idea for kids. You can start working on creating this craft for kids with a riddle. If the child can name the king of animals, then you can start working on our tutorial.
Clay Airplane
Boys may be interested in our today’s simple craft. After all, in this tutorial we are blinding a clay airplane.
Clay Duck
Funny and very simple clay duck for kids. All the steps for making this craft are presented in this tutorial.
Clay Pumpkin
These bright vegetables can be called a tasty and healthy symbol of autumn. After all, it is at this time that pumpkins ripen. And today we have a step-by-step clay pumpkin.
Clay Tiger
Bright clay tiger for kids. All steps for its creation are shown in detail in our tutorial.
Clay Dragon
A simple clay dragon for children’s creativity. Detailed instructions with photos. Modeling a mythical animal from clay.
Clay Lizard
The idea of modeling for kids is a clay lizard. Step-by-step description of work with detailed photos.
Clay Ant
A simple clay craft — ant. During the creation of such crafts, the child will roll up balls and thin flagella, from which he will then make an ant.
Clay Rose Flower
A beautiful clay rose that kids can mold. Sculpting a flower with your own hands in a step-by-step execution.
Clay Cake
A bright clay cake that kids can easily blind. After all, the basis is very simple actions — rolling balls, flagella, their transformation into a flat shape.
Clay Skier
Before you start creating this craft, it will be good to talk with your child about winter sports. The most accessible of them is skiing. It is the clay skier that is the theme of our tutorial.
Clay Gingerbread Man
When baking cookies and gingerbread, you can choose any shape. But for children, the most interesting treat will be in the form of funny figures. For example, baked goods in the shape of a person are popular. In this lesson we will make such an inedible treat from clay.
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Crafts for Kids – learn how to make craft at home! Super cute crafts for all age groups!