By combining various materials in your creativity, you can create interesting crafts. Today we have a step-by-step version of a pipe cleaner dragonfly.
To create such a dragonfly we will prepare:
- shiny silver foam;
- rhinestones;
- glue gun;
- blue and silver pipe cleaner;
- scissors.
Pipe Cleaner Dragonfly Step by Step
First we will make the body of the future dragonfly. To do this, we will glue rhinestones onto the shiny foam. To shape the body we use blue and silver rhinestones of different sizes. We fix them on the foam using a glue gun, placing them in one row, from the largest decorative item to the smallest.
Now cut it out with scissors. The body is ready for the future dragonfly.
Let’s start creating the wings. For them we need blue and silver pipe cleaner. We form a circle from one blue wire. To do this, twist the ends of the wire together.
Now we twist this round blank in the middle.
Additionally, for the wings we will make the same blank from silver pipe cleaner, which first needs to be shortened a little.
We connect these blanks together using hot glue. In a similar way we make the second pair of wings, which should be smaller in size.
Now we connect all the prepared wings to the body. The pipe cleaner dragonfly is ready. A very bright, shiny and festive craft, a real decoration, ready-made decor. You can glue it to a hairpin, hoop, or decorate accessories.
More ideas in the review — EVA Foam Crafts for Kids